Bee Venom Therapy (BVT)

Looking for Bees for BVT?

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S&S Apiaries offers Bees for those who participate in Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) or Apitherapy. Please contact us at (302) 674-8969 or via email at for more information, availability and pricing. Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) or Apitherapy is a widely used alternative to conventional medicine.

This service is Local pick-up only & limited to Summer.

As Beekeepers we feel it is important to work with those who have a need for Bees, that participate in BVT or Apitherapy. We are strong believers in the power of the Hive. These tiny creatures fascinate us with their amazing contributions to our world. I can't imagine a world with out Bees and certainly wouldn't want to.

We are strong believers in the power of the Hive

Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) is the therapeutic application of honeybee venom, through live bee stings, to bring relief and healing for various spinal, neural, joint, or musculo-skeletal ailments.

What is Bee Venom Therapy or Apitherapy?

If you've ever been stung by a bee, you already have firsthand experience of the basics of bee-venom therapy (also called Apitherapy). The only technical difference between the sting you got and the therapeutic kind is that yours was probably accidental.

People who use bee venom for medicinal purposes don't wait around for random insect attacks. Using long tweezers, they pick up live honey bees, put the insects next to their skin, and let them do what comes naturally. You might have thought that your single encounter with a bee was enough, but people undergoing apitherapy may get stung 80 times a day or more.

Why would anyone subject himself to such pain? Because bee stings are thought to help ease the symptoms of a wide variety of diseases, including but not limited to arthritis, lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, tendonitis, and fibromyalgia; they're also thought to promote desensitization to bee stings. These claims don't come from beekeepers looking for a profit; they're made by patients whose experience with bee venom has turned them into believers.

Help keep the Bees alive You benefit from the Hive